Cippenham Nursery School

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St Andrews Way, Cippenham, Slough, SL1 5NL

01628 661506

Cippenham Nursery School

“Happy to be Here, To Play, Learn, Care, Share and Be Ourselves.”

  1. Parents
  2. Parent Information

Parent Information

Frimley Health: Frimley Health & Care have launched their new website to support local parents and carers about their child’s health. The website covers a wide range of topics: food & nutrition, vaccinations, child development, emotional wellbeing and how to manage childhood illnesses:


Slough Borough Council have created a one stop information point for parents to access on a range of matters to support them and their families.

Little Learners Baby Group

  • Promote the benefits of early education
  • Raise awareness of the criteria and how to apply
  • Share positive stories
  • Outlines practice and provision changes as a result of COVID-19


Guides for Parents to keeping children safe online: 

General information on online safety for 0-5 year olds:

Step by step guides to set up parental controls on your broadband:

Guides on how to set up your devices:

Tiny people is here to help you develop your child's language skills. Explore our simple activities and play idea and find out about babies and toddlers amazing early development:   

This link will take you to NHS Berkshire Website where you can receive advice and strategies to support your child with Speech, Language Therapy and communication difficulties: Speech and Language Therapy | Children Young People and Families Online Resource (