Cippenham Nursery School

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St Andrews Way, Cippenham, Slough, SL1 5NL

01628 661506

Cippenham Nursery School

“Happy to be Here, To Play, Learn, Care, Share and Be Ourselves.”

  1. Parents
  2. What Parents Can Do

What Parents Can Do

Your Involvement with your Child's Education

We work to the Curriculum for the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS). It states ‘Parents are children’s first and most enduring educators, when parents and practitioners work together in early years settings, the results have a positive impact on the child’s development and learning’. We aim to share children’s development with their parents and wish this to be a two way process. We will therefore be asking you to tell us about your child and asking you to come to the Nursery to find out all about us. The personal development and well-being of the children is the highest priority in the school.


Self Help Skills

Help your child to be independent in dressing, washing and going to the toilet. Encourage your child to talk with you and try to answer all their questions.



We encourage parents to join their local library and support their children with choosing books to enjoy.  Other facilities include borrowing CDs, DVDs, magazines and internet access.  There are also various classes available for parents and groups for children, such as Story and Music times.  The Nursery loan Story Sacks and Language Bags according to children's needs.  We occasionally invite the Library staff to visit the Nursery.  Please click on the link for further information

Children should not bring their own toys or games to Nursery and any wheeled toys ridden to school should be locked in the cycle shelter. The equipment is here for everyone to share and care for, ‘their special toys’ are not.



We will celebrate your child’s birthday at the Nursery during group times. As we are a ‘Healthy School’ we ask you not to bring any sweets or cakes. Children might like to give the children in their group a sticker



To learn about different cultures and beliefs, we plan work around various celebrations. If your family is celebrating a special event let us know and we can try to incorporate it into the nursery life.


Mobile Phones

The use of mobile phones is not permitted on Nursery premises. Please finish your mobile phone conversation before dropping off and collecting your child at Nursery, as the children and staff need your full attention at all times and may need to discuss something with you.

Greet your child with a smile, not a mobile.


No Smoking Please

No smoking or vaping on the premises, including the outdoor playground.



For health and safety reasons dogs are not permitted in the school grounds.



Children’s activities at school are often messy, dirty or wet! They include painting, using clay, digging in the garden, cooking, water play and other outdoor activities. For this reason, please ensure children wear suitable clothes. Children should be provided with coats, clearly named, which they can fasten themselves, and with trousers with elastic tops such as tracksuits. Clothes and shoes should be suitable for climbing in the garden (no long skirts, thick soles/heels or unfastened shoes or sandals). If your child wears earrings, please provide studs for Nursery, as there is a danger of ear lobes being torn during play. Children will need a waterproof coat and Wellingtons for outdoor play.  



Controlling headlice in all schools is a problem. Please check your child’s hair regularly. A good way of preventing the spread of headlice is to use conditioner after every wash and comb through with a fine toothcomb. Please report any case of headlice to your member of staff and treat the whole family before returning to school. (Either with lotions from the Chemist or the combing method).


Classroom Money Boxes

We depend on a voluntary contribution of £2 each week. This money is used for extra special things that happen in our Nursery life. It covers fruit for the children, cooking ingredients, celebration treats, trips to Burnham Beeches and special visitors, eg mobile farm & dancers. Each classroom has a money box available for this to be collected weekly. We are pleased to accept Cheques, Bank transfer or cash for a term’s contribution of £24 made payable to Cippenham Nursery School. If we do not collect enough contributions, we may have to start charging for these facilities individually.



Children will, during their time at Nursery, get the opportunity to visit Burnham Beeches as well as other venues when available. They will travel in the Nursery minibus. For Off-Site activities like these a Parental Consent Form is required which accompanies your child on this trip in case of any emergency. This will be provided from the Nursery.



Regular newsletters are sent out to all parents & posted on this website on the News & Events page. Please make sure that you read these as they contain important information and dates.


Applying for Cippenham School

You may apply online or complete a common application form provided by Slough Borough Council while your child is at Nursery. The form can be completed online from 1st September.  All online applications can be changed as many times as you like before the deadline which is usually in the January before your child is due to go to Infants School.